Friday, June 3, 2016

Back in The Day

This is Port Richmond High school back in the day, My grandmother went here.

This is Wagner College back in the day, My grandfather went here. 

Friday, May 27, 2016


Macro Lens

1. Sometimes in a certain distance the photo will not take, so your distance from the subject has to be appropriate for the lens.
2. Consider capturing a small subject you usually cant see in a normal lens.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Light Box

I choose this background because the object is dark.

 I choose this background because the object is white.
 I choose this background because with the flash it made the object a brighter blue than the background.
I choose this background because of the wrapper to the chocolate bar shine and reflects off of the white background.

I choose this background because the pink perfume in the bottle made the background pop.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


IOS 200

IOS 1600

The difference between these 2 photos is that the flash is on in one and off in the other and you can tell by the different lighting.